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Help & FAQ
Membership & Premium FAQ

When joining our premium program to get these premium privileges, you may have some questions about it and how it works.

You'll find here answers to the most common questions or problems you may have.

We advise you to start reading this glossary first, that will clarify the meaning of some important terms we use in relation to our premium membership program.

Index of this document

Questions? Problems?

For anything related to membership features provided by MemberSpace (like how to interact with your membership account), you can read this MemberSpace member's FAQ or contact MemberSpace directly through the help button on their website.

For anything else (like requests about TooLiPHoNe.NeT services, membership plans or premium program), you can contact us using the button below.

Glossary / Definitions

Here are the most commonly used terms related to our premium membership program.

Some terms seems close but are different, please ensure you read and understand them.

There are 2 main concepts to distinguish:

  • Membership: everything related to the management of the user account, membership plans and payments.
    Provided and managed by MemberSpace, our third-party membership provider.
  • Premium: everything related to the access to privileges and exclusive features on the TooLiPHoNe.NeT websites.
    Provided and managed directly by TooLiPHoNe, the developer of this website.
  • Premium program

    The program allowing you to join a membership plan and create a member account in order to become a premium user and get access to some premium privileges.


    Someone who create a member account to join our premium program.

    The first time you create your account, you have to choose and join one of our paid membership plans.

    Member account

    The account you create or sign in to when interacting with the « member sign-in widget » provided by MemberSpace on our login page.

    > Visit the member login page

    Membership plan

    A commercial offer you have to choose and pay for when you create your member account to join our premium program.

    Each plan have a duration for which it will be valid (active) to give you access to the premium privileges.

    > View our plans

    Some plans ask for a one-time payment. They are valid for a fixed number of days once joined.

    Other plans ask for a subscription (meaning recurring payments), that will be automatically renewed mensually of annually, depending on your choice. Recurring plans are valid until your subscription is active once joined.

    Active member

    An active member if a member who joined a membership plan which is currently valid and active.

    Being such an active member will give you premium privileges on the service.

    Premium privileges

    The list of privileges and exclusive features only available to our active members.

    > View all privileges

    You need to regularly sign in to your member account to check if you are an active member and grant you these premium privileges.

    Membership status

    The operation of checking if you currently have an active membership plan or not. If true, you will be considered as an active member.

    Active membership plan means people who joined a one-time payment plan and are still within its validity period, or people who subscribed to a recurring payments plan and have their subscription still active (they didn't cancel it).

    This membership status checking operation is done automatically each time you visit your member account page.

    Member account page (Your Account)

    The page were you go once signed in and where you can manage (view and edit) all things related to your account.

    This includes your personal information, payments information, view your membership plan, change or cancel your subscriptions to plans, visualize your invoices, ...

    Each time you visit your member account page, your membership status is checked, and if it is valid, your premium access is renewed.

    > Visit your member account page

    Premium access

    The access allowing active members to access to all the premium privileges.

    This premium access is granted for a 24h period of time each time we check your membership status as valid from your member account.

    This means that you have to regularly sign-in and visit your member account (once per 24h) to renew your premium access.

    If you're an active member but have your premium access expired (meaning you don't have access anymore to your premium privileges), just visit your member account page to automatically renew your premium access for 24 hours!

    Premium user

    An active member (meaning its membership status has been successfully checked as valid) with a premium access currently granted.

    With their premium access granted, premium users can enjoy all the premium privileges!

Premium Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Common Problems

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