When joining our premium program to get these premium privileges, you may have some questions about it and how it works.
You'll find here answers to the most common questions or problems you may have.
We advise you to start reading this glossary first, that will clarify the meaning of some important terms we use in relation to our premium membership program.
Index of this document
Questions? Problems?
For anything related to membership features provided by MemberSpace (like how to interact with your membership account), you can read this MemberSpace member's FAQ or contact MemberSpace directly through the help button on their website.
For anything else (like requests about TooLiPHoNe.NeT services, membership plans or premium program), you can contact us using the button below.
Here are the most commonly used terms related to our premium membership program.
Some terms seems close but are different, please ensure you read and understand them.
There are 2 main concepts to distinguish:
Premium program
The program allowing you to join a membership plan and create a member account in order to become a premium user and get access to some premium privileges.
Someone who create a member account to join our premium program.
The first time you create your account, you have to choose and join one of our paid membership plans.
Member account
The account you create or sign in to when interacting with the « member sign-in widget » provided by MemberSpace on our login page.
Membership plan
A commercial offer you have to choose and pay for when you create your member account to join our premium program.
Each plan have a duration for which it will be valid (active) to give you access to the premium privileges.
Some plans ask for a one-time payment. They are valid for a fixed number of days once joined.
Other plans ask for a subscription (meaning recurring payments), that will be automatically renewed mensually of annually, depending on your choice. Recurring plans are valid until your subscription is active once joined.
Active member
An active member if a member who joined a membership plan which is currently valid and active.
Being such an active member will give you premium privileges on the service.
Premium privileges
The list of privileges and exclusive features only available to our active members.
You need to regularly sign in to your member account to check if you are an active member and grant you these premium privileges.
Membership status
The operation of checking if you currently have an active membership plan or not. If true, you will be considered as an active member.
Active membership plan means people who joined a one-time payment plan and are still within its validity period, or people who subscribed to a recurring payments plan and have their subscription still active (they didn't cancel it).
This membership status checking operation is done automatically each time you visit your member account page.
Member account page (Your Account)
The page were you go once signed in and where you can manage (view and edit) all things related to your account.
This includes your personal information, payments information, view your membership plan, change or cancel your subscriptions to plans, visualize your invoices, ...
Each time you visit your member account page, your membership status is checked, and if it is valid, your premium access is renewed.
> Visit your member account page
Premium access
The access allowing active members to access to all the premium privileges.
This premium access is granted for a 24h period of time each time we check your membership status as valid from your member account.
This means that you have to regularly sign-in and visit your member account (once per 24h) to renew your premium access.
If you're an active member but have your premium access expired (meaning you don't have access anymore to your premium privileges), just visit your member account page to automatically renew your premium access for 24 hours!
Premium user
An active member (meaning its membership status has been successfully checked as valid) with a premium access currently granted.
With their premium access granted, premium users can enjoy all the premium privileges!
Historically, I started my first membership program with the buymeacoffee.com platform.
Like now with MemberSpace, people were able to join a paid membership plan and get exclusive premium privileges as a reward.
Buy Me a Coffee is mainly a platform where creators can create a page to promote their work and interact with their community and sell them some digital goods, and where people can financially support their favorite creators.
This is great platform for that purpose, but it was not completely satisfying for me (and my members).
Indeed, the main drawback of this platform is that EVERYTHING happens ON the buymeacoffee.com website (member login, membership status checking, ...)
There is NO possibility of integration into third-party websites, like TooLiPHoNe.NeT.
This made the members onboarding process quite unclear and the premium access activation very tedious...
People had to login from buymeacoffee website, then click a special link on a member-protected post on it, to be redirected to my tooliphone.net website and be recognized as a premium user.
This process of having their user account on a different website than the one where they get the premium privileges was VERY confusing!
So I decided to choose for a more specialized membership platform that proposes some in-websites integrations capabilities, and I ended up with MemberSpace!
Like BuyMeaCoffee, MemberSpace is a platform that helps creators to build a community of users that supports their work.
However, the philosophy is completely different and is closer to what I need to build an integrated membership experience on TooLiPHoNe.NeT.
This is exactly what I've been looking for!
Indeed, building a complete membership feature by myself would have been too complicated...
Here all complicated and sensitive features are built and handled directly by MemberSpace:
The only thing I needed to do was to integrate MemberSpace widgets and code into my websites.
I did it the best I can to provide you a smooth user experience, so I hope this is more clear than before and that you'll enjoy it!
This was not such an easy thing, so if you encounter bugs or problems, don't hesitate to contact me!
When you see this logo at the bottom of a widget, this means that it is provided by MemberSpace.
All interactions done within this kind of widget are handled directly by MemberSpace.
If you have questions about your interactions with these widgets, please first read this MemberSpace member's FAQ.
By becoming a member and interacting with MemberSpace, you must agree to the MemberSpace Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
If you were a member on the deprecated BuyMeACoffee system, you have to migrate to the new MemberSpace membership system.
Step 1: Notification
On December 2023, you got an email with a personal invitation link to click and instructions to follow in order to migrate our new membership system.
You didn't received this email? Please check your spam folder or contact us.
Step 2: Migration
We worked with MemberSpace to make this migration process quick and easy!
You already have an account created on the new system, and your personal information and payment method will be already filled with what we already know, so you basically just have to choose a password for your new account.
Follow this 1 minute procedure, in one shot:
Your personal membership « legacy » plan is equivalent (or cheaper) in price than the one you formerly had on BuyMeACoffee.
You also have a free trial period with this new plan that covers any payment you already did on BuyMeACoffee for the current billing period.
After that you'll be an active member on the new membership system, with premium privileges! 🎉
You have no active plan or are not considered as a premium user after that? Please contact us.
Step 3: Cancellation
Now you are a member on the new MemberSpace membership system, you have to cancel your useless membership subscription on BuyMeACoffee.
👍 Don't mind this... We'll handle it for you!
We should resolve any problems you have to migrate to the new system and keep your premium privileges with the same conditions.
For any problems or questions, please contact us.
You never received your invitation link
If you think you were a member on BuyMeACoffee at the time of the migration (December 10th 2023) and didn't received your personal invitation link by email:
Your invitation link doesn't work
The invitation link you received by email is valid for 30 days. Moreover, once you clicked it once and choose a password, it will be revoked.
That's why it is important to complete the migration procedure in one shot!
If you give up before you confirm to join your legacy plan with your payment method, you won't be able to complete your migration procedure. Contact us in such cases so we can reset your account and send you a new invitation link.
If you want to access to these premium privileges on all TooLiPHoNe.NeT websites, you need to create a member account.
This service is not free: when creating your account, you'll have to choose and join one of our paid membership plans.
Access to premium privileges will be granted only to people with a member account and having an active membership plan.
There are several membership plans you can join, with different characteristics to fit your needs.
It's up to you to choose the best plan that fits your needs, from the flexibility of « one shot » plans to the cheaper « periodic » plans with subscribtions.
The complete list of currently available plans can be found here.
Go here to create your member account, then click the Create Account button.
If you're already logged in to an existing account, you'll be automatically redirected to your member account page.
Fill the required fields (name, email and password), read and accept the terms and click the Continue button.
You can't create an account if you already have an account associated with the provided email address.
Choose one of our paid membership plans, review the details, then choose your payment method and fill your payment information.
Please provide accurate information, as they will be used for billing.
All interactions done within this « create account » widget are handled by MemberSpace (read their FAQ).
Go here to sign in to your member account.
Fill the required fields (email and password), and click the Log into your account button to log in.
You'll then be automatically redirected to your member account page.
All interactions done within this « log into your account » widget are handled by MemberSpace (read their FAQ).
Go here to access to your member account home page where you can manage everything related to your member account and your membership status.
If you're not already logged in to an existing account, you'll be automatically redirected to the login page.
👑 Your membership status
This section tells you if you are currently a premium user (meaning a member with access to premium privileges) or not.
Each time you visit your member account page, your membership status is checked.
🧑 Your member account
This section allows you to manage everything related to your MemberSpace member account:
All interactions done within this « member account » widget are handled by MemberSpace (read their FAQ).
When you visit your member account page, the « Your member account » section says that you don't have any active membership plan.
This could happen if you begin the process of creating an account, but gave up and quit before the end of the process.
For example, you did the first step where you provide your personal information, but quit at second step where you had to choose and pay for a membership plan.
In such a case, your member account has already been created after the first step, but no plans have been joined during your account creation process.
You can log in to this account using the provided email, and join a membership plan from your member account page if you want to.